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Beasiswa S2 IDPM University of Manchester Inggris

Institute for Development Policy and Management (IDPM) menawarkan program beasiswa S2 di bidang bidang Sistem Informasi dan Manajemen (Management and Information Systems) yang diselenggarakan di University of Manchester, Inggris. Program beasiswa S2 IDPM Manchester ini diberikan bagi pelajar-pelajar dari Negara-negara berkembang, termasuk di Asia. Bagi Anda yang tertarik melanjutkan studi ke Inggris untuk program S2 Sistem Informasi dan Manajemen, berikut info beasiswa lebih lanjutnya:

MSc Management and Information Systems Scholarship for Study by Distance Learning
The School of Environment and Development invites applications for a fully-funded scholarship for candidates from developing countries for Master’s study by distance learning on the MSc Management and Information Systems. The scholarship will cover all study costs including tuition and examining fees and course material costs.
Who studies on this programme?
The MSc M&IS programme is available through distance learning so that practitioners can study while continuing to work in their ongoing professional roles, in the public, private and civil society sectors, or in roles in international organisations, agencies or NGOs. Students work alongside their MSc study, and complete the programme part-time, typically in about two-and-a-half years.
Who is eligible to apply for a scholarship?
The scholarships are intended to support students from developing countries who would not otherwise be able to study for a UK qualification. Applicants should:
  1. Be a national of and resident in a developing country of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America or Oceania.
  2. Have at least two years’ work experience in a post relevant to their MSc M&IS studies.
  3. Hold a UK second class honours, upper division, or above, or its international equivalent, in their Bachelor’s degree.
Applicants must not have previously studied in a developed country (short/language courses excluded).
How to apply
You should apply in the normal way for the MSc Management & Information Systems: Change and Development by Distance Learning. Use the following link to apply online:
  • In the online application form, instead of a ‘Statement of Purpose’, you should include an original 500-word (maximum) statement with your application specifying how studying the MSc M&IS by distance learning will contribute to your professional and personal development.
  • This document must be included in your application and also e-mailed separately to Mr Daniel Chung, SED Recruitment and Admissions Assistant, at:
  • The title of your e-mail should be ‘M&IS DL Scholarship Applicant‘ plus your name and seven-digit University of Manchester application number (this is generated when you submit your application form); for example: ‘M&IS DL Scholarship Applicant Sally Smith 2507949′.
Deadline for applications
The deadline for applications to be submitted is Friday 17th December 17.00 GMT. If you are successful you will be notified by the end of December 2010 and start the programme in January 2011.
If you have any enquiries regarding your application, please contact Daniel Chung, SED Recruitment and Admissions Assistant, at, Tel: +44 (0)161 275 0962.

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