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ESA PhD student Ecospace Indonesie, Wageningen University UK

Job Wageningen UR (University & Research centre) – ESA PhD student Ecospace Indonesie
ESA PhD student Ecospace Indonesie
Job description
We are looking for a PhD student to undertake a spatial modeling of ecosystem services supply in the context of land use change with a case study in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The project will combine environmental, spatial and economic analysis to further our understanding of the benefits provided by nature to society. The project will zoom in on the impacts of rapid land use change and the possibilities for basing land use planning on ecological-economic models. The project will be undertaken in close collaboration with a number of Indonesian partners, and the PhD student is expected to carry out several months of fieldwork in Kalimantan, Indonesia

We require excellent analytical skills, preferably demonstrated by previous experience with quantitative analysis and modeling. A background in environmental sciences, environmental economics or landscape ecology would fit best to the offered position. Experience with GIS, the analysis or modeling of ecosystem services, or the economic valuation of environmental resources would be an advantage. Finally, good writing skills and the motivation to carry out a PhD study are required. Proficiency in, or a willingness to learn basic Indonesian in order to communicate with stakeholders would be appreciated.
Conditions of employment
We offer a full time employment at Wageningen University as PhD student, starting with 18 months. If your suitability in this position is apparent, the period of employment will be extended by the remaining 30 months. The salary increases from a gross salary of 2042 euro per month in the first year to 2612 euro in the fourth year. The position should result in a promotion at Wageningen University. The PhD student will work in a group with 5 other PhD students working on related topics. There will be an intensive PhD training program, and there is adequate budget for fieldwork, travel, attending conferences, etc. The deadline for applications is 9 January 2011
Contract type
18 maanden + 30 maanden
Wageningen UR (University & Research centre)
The PhD student will work in the Environmental Systems Analysis Group (ESA) of Wageningen University with a total of around 15 staff and 12 PhD students. Wageningen University, the Netherlands is one of the most prominent international universities in the field of healthy food and the living environment. The ESA group was selected as best academic group in the field of environmental sciences in the Netherlands in the most recent national evaluation (QANU). For a full project description, pls. contact Ms. Ria Cuperus ( For specific questions, pls. contact Dr. Lars Hein ( For more information on the Environmental Systems Analysis Group, see our website:
Wageningen University and Research centre
Delivering a substantial contribution to the quality of life. That’s our focus – each and every day. Within our domain, healthy food and living environment, we search for answers to issues affecting society – such as sustainable food production, climate change and alternative energy. Of course, we don’t do this alone. Every day, 6,500 people work on ‘the quality of life’, turning ideas into reality, on a global scale.
Could you be one of these people? We give you the space you need.
For further information about working at Wageningen UR, take a look at
Acquisition regarding this vacancy is not appreciated.

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