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Master & Phd Fellowships for Arab & Ethiopian Students at USAl

Fulbright Outreach International Fellowships Program for Masters or PhD Arab Students and Ethiopian Students American Universities, USA
Study Subject: Any Field except those in which hands-on contact with patients is required. Students in medicine, dental medicine, veterinary medicine, nursing and other programs which involve treatment of patients are not eligible for Fulbright grants.
Employer: American Universities
Level: Masters or PhD
Fellowships Description:Approximately 10 Fulbright Outreach Program fellowships will be awarded to outstanding students planning to begin Master’s or doctoral degree studies at American universities in the fall semester of the 2012/2013 academic year. This program is open to Arab students and to Ethiopian students.

Program grants cover tuition, fees and living expenses for a maximum of two years of study in the United States.
Awards are limited to students holding a first or second degree before their departure to begin studies in the United States. Before taking up their grants, those selected as program fellows will be required to provide proof that they have been awarded at least a Bachelor’s degree.
Individuals who have already received a Master’s degree are not eligible to request an Outreach Fellowships in support of study towards the receipt of an additional Master’s degree. Students holding an Israeli LLM may be exempted from this rule, if it is their intention to acquire an American LLM in order to be able to undertake further studies in the US towards the receipt of a JSD degree.
Eligibility criteria
* Israeli citizens of Arab origin or of Ethiopian origin are eligible. Dual American-Israeli citizens or permanent residents of the United States are not eligible to apply.
* Candidates must be resident in Israel at the time of application and must continue to be resident in Israel until the beginning of their studies in the United States as Fulbright Fellows. Students who have already begun their program of studies in the United States or who are planning to begin study in the US before the Fall 2012 semester are not eligible to apply.
* Those who have already been awarded Bachelor’s degrees and students who will complete their Bachelor’s degree studies during the 2010/2011 academic year are eligible to apply.
* Individuals who have already received a Master’s degree are not eligible to request an Outreach Fellowships in support of study towards the receipt of an additional Master’s degree. Students holding an Israeli LLM may be exempted from this rule, if it is their intention to acquire an American LLM in order to be able to undertake further studies in the US towards the receipt of a JSD degree.
* Candidates must be in good health. All applicants selected for a Fulbright grant are required to submit a Medical History and Examination Report before their grants can be activated.
* Prior conviction or current indictment for a felony may result in disqualification.
Masters or PhD Fellowships Application Deadline: March 31 2011

Further International Fellowships Masters or PhD Information and Application detail Click here

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